Monday, May 23, 2011

Preschool Graduation

On Thursday Emma Catherine graduated from 4 year old preschool.  Where did the time go?  It's so crazy because I have been so emotional about her starting kindergarten.  She doesn't seem old enough, even though I know she is ready.  She has matured a lot this year and for the most part, she is excited to start big school.  I just want to make sure to enjoy the summer with her.

For her graduation program, all the K4 classes and the one kindergarten class preformed a little play.  They all sang songs together and each class got to sing a song alone.  A few kids from each class had speaking parts, but Emma Catherine didn't have one this time.  I was actually relieved since she was so nervous and wouldn't say her part at Christmas.  Overall, Ryan and I thought Emma Catherine was very serious and concentrated during the program, but as I looked back over the pictures I took, I caught her smiling quite a few times. 

This picture cracks me up.  It's the only one I got of her whole class and she is yawning.
Here Emma Catherine is getting her diploma from her teacher, Mrs. Michelle.

We are so proud of her!

Emma Catherine and a few of her friends. 
Emma Catherine and Mrs. Michelle.
And here is Bailey on her last day, with her teacher, Mrs. Nickey.

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