Lately Emma Catherine's favorite thing to do is to play "baby." When the neighbors are over she likes to be the baby and have one of them be the mommy, but when she plays with Bailey, she is the mommy and Bailey is the baby. Today after lunch they were playing baby in the playroom while Ryan and I were cleaning up the kitchen. I went upstairs to put Bailey down for a nap and Emma Catherine wanted to keep being the mommy so I let her read to Bailey before her nap like I would normally do. She picked the Elmo book that repeats the verses of "If You're Happy and You Know It" because she knows it and she could pretend to "read" it. It was so cute that I called Ryan to bring the camera upstairs.
Notice the paci in Bailey's mouth. Lately she likes to play with paci's even though she would never take one as a baby. She doesn't even suck on them. She just holds them in her mouth. Half the time, she has it in upside down because she doesn't know the difference.
It's Great to be an AUBURN Tiger!!!
14 years ago
that is adorable! what a sweet picture!
Hey guys, this is Andrew not Rachel. I know this has nothing to do with this blog but oh well. Rachel told me about you guys moving. She told me probably a month ago but I don't get on these blogs much. I am excited for you guys and I know a really good church with a really good choir and a tenor that would love to have Ryan singing with him again. Gives us a call when you are in town and maybe we can meet you guys somewhere.
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