Saturday, January 16, 2010

Some Firsts

While in Florida Emma Catherine had two "firsts." Her first first was going to the movie theater. We went to see The Princess and the Frog. She was so excited to go and see the new Disney princess and to be in a theater. The movie was actually pretty good and I really liked the music. There was some voodoo in it which I wasn't thrilled about, but fortunately she doesn't understand that yet.
Another first was going to get her nails done. We told her back in October that if she stopped biting her nails that she could go to the real beauty parlor and get her nails done over Christmas in Florida. To be quite honest, I never thought she would be able to stop because she bites her nails all time. Her nails were never above the skin. She surprised us all and stopped biting her nails completely. She let her nails grow so long that we had to trim them. My aunt took her to the shop and also brought her special snacks.


Wanting What I Have said...

That is SO FUN! Way to go Emma Catherine!!!

Jen said...

Love the pictures of her getting her nails done. She is sooo excited!! Too cute.

Cathy said...

/she is your daughter. She chose purple for her nails.
Precious pictures and I cannot wait to see you all soon.
Love Mia, Mom and Cathy