We usually start opening the adults Christmas presents before the little girls get up so we can get a head start. We started at 6:00 this year and the girls woke up sometime between 7:30 and 8:00. We heard them talking and playing in their room at my grandpa's so we quickly put out their big present.

They were so excited to get a barbie jeep. Emma Catherine has been asking for one for awhile. Not surprisingly she was a little nervous at first and Bailey hopped right in.

Once she saw Bailey she hopped in too. We then let the girls go at it and open their presents. The jeep ended up being a great entertainer though because when the adults were taking turns opening presents, Bailey would play in the jeep. She brought her new baby, books, and bags in the jeep with her. It cracked us up.

After presents we had breakfast casserole for lunch. On Christmas night we always go visit my grandpa's best friends and then to a Christmas party at another of my grandpa's friends. This particular Christmas party tradition started when my mom and aunt were little girls and it has continued all these years through many generations. It was a great Christmas.

We are still working on Emma Catherine's driving. She gets distracted easily and likes to play with the radio in the jeep. Also if we tell her she needs to move over to the right or the left a little, she makes a very sharp turn. I'm sure she'll get better with more practice. Unfortunately, there's not much practice going on in Chattanooga right now because IT IS SO COLD. The temperature hasn't gone above freezing in days. When we got back home on Sunday night, Ryan dumped the ice from our cooler in the yard. Well, the ice is still there. It is supposed to snow tomorrow so we'll see.