Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Our Tree

I really like to post in chronological order but I just realized I forgot to post about decorating our Christmas tree. My parents have always gotten a real Christmas tree, so that's what Ryan and I have always done. I've tossed around the idea of buying a fake tree this year when they go on sale, because real trees get messy and they are harder to take care of, but I'm just not sure I can do it. I love the way real trees smell in your house and I love going to pick out our tree together. We always go to Lowe's to get our tree because they tend to have good prices and a good selection. (notice Emma Catherine "helping" Bailey look at the camera)Generally, we have put the ornaments on the tree without the help of the girls, but this year we let them help us. I am glad we did because they were both excited and it made the whole event more special to them.

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