Sunday, December 28, 2008

Preschool Christmas Party

Emma Catherine had a Christmas party on her last day of preschool and Ryan and I were both able to attend. We didn't know how she would act with us there, but overall, she did very well. They did a craft, ate their "chickala" lunch, and listened to a Christmas story. The children were all supposed to bring a small present or stocking stuffer for the other children in the class. Emma Catherine gave a princess book to the girls and a Curious George book to the boys. I also thought I would make a cute treat to go with the present.

A little while back some friends brought Emma Catherine a marshmallow snowman on a stick and I tried to recreate them. I let Emma Catherine help put the marshmallows on the sticks.

I then covered the marshmallows with white chocolate and made faces on them.
The gifts she brought to school looked like this:

Emma Catherine and Mrs. Janice

1 comment:

Jen said...

You are too cute with your marshmallow treats and wrapped books. :) What a great mommy!