Friday, June 27, 2008

A No Nap Kind of Day

This week we have been going to Vacation Bible School (more about that in another post) at our church and you would think that Emma Catherine would be tired and therefore take a great nap...just kidding. She didn't sleep at all this afternoon. She tried everything to get my attention and then she resorted to making a mess of her room. See picture below
As you can see, she pulled out almost all of her clothes out of her drawers and threw a pile of them over her gate. I'm not sure if you can tell but in the back of the picture are a lot of DVD cases. We store her Disney movie cases high on a shelf in her closet and she climbed up in her closet and pulled them down. You might also be wondering what that blue sheet is in the background. That was our cheap attempt to block the light from coming into her room. We thought maybe she would sleep really hasn't helped much. The children are singing the VBS music at church tonight, and we're not sure how well she'll do because she of her no nap and well, she is 2!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love to have her dirty panties